- White Parent Ally Workshop
What? A reflective webinar for anti-racist white parents of adoptees of color who want to dive deeper into their own personal work in regards to addressing their relationship to race, equity, and dismantling white supremacy.
Guided by? The webinar will be structured on Layla Saad’s work, “White Supremacy and Me” and will be facilitated by PASS Center therapist Aleisha Maunu LMFT
Location? Online, because, well COVID-19.
Duration? Four weeks of 1.5hr webinars
Time? Thursday evenings in August from 6-7:30pm (August 6, 13, 20, 27)
Cost? $200 for the four weeks. ½ of proceeds will go to BLM5280
Structure: The webinar will walk through Layla Saad’s 28 day challenge with a focus on supporting adoptees of color as they navigate life in a white dominant culture. All participants need to purchase Layla Saad’s book
https://www.amazon.com/Me-White-Supremacy-Combat-Ancestor-ebook/dp/B07Y5PHNXB/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1HSQKIITEXG6&dchild=1&keywords=white+supremacy+and+me&qid=1594264831&sprefix=white+supre%2Caps%2C253&sr=8-2. It is available in Kindle, audible as well as hardcover. - To sign up email [email protected]
A email with instructions for payment and the zoom link for the webinar will be sent out one week prior to the first meeting.